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Restricted Summary for Phone Calls
Restricted Summary for Phone Calls
Allows to choose from a defined summary list
Travel Journey - HR Bindings
Travel Journey - HR Bindings
HR bindings for Travel Journey
Phonecall Category
Phonecall Category
Show the already-existing field in tree and search views
Crm Secondary Salesperson
Crm Secondary Salesperson
CRM Secondary Salesperson
Partner Auto Archive
Partner Auto Archive
Archive periodically all contacts marked as auto-archive.
Portugal InvoiceXpress Integration
Portugal InvoiceXpress Integration
Portuguese certified invoices using InvoiceXpress

Discover our highlighted app:
Portugal InvoiceXpress Integration

Portuguese certified invoices using InvoiceXpress

VAT in leads
VAT in leads
Add VAT field to leads
Contacts Management
Contacts Management
[DEPRECATED] Manage your contacts separately
Travel - HR Bindings
Travel - HR Bindings
HR bindings for Travel
CRM location
CRM Claim Types
CRM Claim Types
Claim types for CRM
Travel Journey by Rail
Travel Journey by Rail
Travel by Rail